Services: Computer-Controlled CMM

We use CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine) technology and
equipment to ensure the most accurate measurement of
product dimensions.

Computer-Controlled CMM

This ensures that only parts of the highest quality are released to our customers.

What is a CMM?
A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a device that measures the geometry of physical objects by sensing discrete points on the surface of the object with a probe.

Various types of probes are used in CMMs, including mechanical, optical, laser, and white light. Depending on the machine, the probe position may be manually controlled by an operator or it may be computer controlled.

CMMs typically specify a probe’s position in terms of its displacement from a reference position in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system (i.e., with X,Y, and Z axes).

In addition to moving the probe along the X, Y, and Z axes, many machines also allow the probe angle to be controlled to allow measurement of surfaces that would otherwise be unreachable.

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Oil Filter Shields

Various draw type parts can be produced for special usage such as Oil Filter Shields.

Cam Pierce Dies

Cam pierce dies will provide better hole alignment on U-Shaped parts, either as a secondary operation or added to a progressive die.


Two, three or four hole flange styles are available. Additional in-house processes such as Blanchard grinding and Gardner double-disc grinding are available along with drilling and tapping to provide higher-quality finishes and holes.

Looking for Laser Fabrication Services?

We are located next door to Dubuque Laser and Fabrication. Please visit their site to learn more about their capabilities.

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